ICAI Blogs

Topic : Businesses to have tougher luck in the world of compliances from 01st July, 2021

Date : 20-08-2021

Name :CA Sweta Jain (M No - 441490)

The world was already not a great place to live in for businessmen with all the compliances, and with introduction of yet another TDS Section 194Q, it surely has become worse.

The Income Tax Act, 1961 known for its volume is now all set to adopt 194Q from 1st July, 2021.

The section seems to be similar to Section 206C (1H) which was introduced on 1st October, 2020.

So, for a better understanding, let’s analyse the two sections in tandem.

Basis of Comparison


206C (1H)

Date of coming into effect

1st July, 2021

1st October, 2020

Casting liability on

Buyer (Payer of money)

Seller (Collector of money)

1st condition for applicability

Turnover in preceding FY was more than 10 Crores

2nd condition for applicability (to be checked Party-wise) (only when 1st condition apply)

Purchased goods worth more than 50 Lakhs in a FY (not applicable for any service)

Sold goods worth more than 50 Lakhs in a FY (not applicable for any service)

Over-riding effect

The section is not applicable when TDS/ TCS is applicable under any section except TCS u/S 206C (1H)

i.e. the section is the weakest amongst all section but stronger than 206C (1H)

The section is not applicable when TDS/ TCS is applicable under any section

i.e. the weakest section of all


When seller is :-

  1. Non- resident i.e the buyer has imported goods
  2. A person notified

When buyer is :-

  1. An importer
  2. A Central/ State Govt, Local Authority, Embassy, etc
  3. A person notified

Rate of Tax and value on which to be calculated

0.1% of sum (over and above 50 lakhs with a party in FY)

On excluding GST amount

On including GST amount

Rate of Tax (PAN not available)

5% of sum (over 50 lakhs)

1% of sum (over 50 lakhs)


Point of Taxation

Date of Payment or Date of credit (Invoice) in the books of account, whichever is earlier

Date of Receipt of Money (For convenience, may add with invoice itself – Date of Debit)

Due Date of Payment

7th day of the month succeeding the month to which relates (For March month – 30th April)

7th day of the month succeeding the month to which relates (No relaxation for March month)

Due Date of return filing

30th day of the month succeeding the quarter (For March Quarter – 31st May)

15th day of the month succeeding the quarter (For March Quarter – 15th May)

Interest and Late Fees

Interest on late payment - 1.5% per month or part thereof

Return Late Fees - Rs. 200 per day (Max upto TDS/ TCS Amount)

Let’s draw a synopsis with some examples:

T/O Buyer in preceding FY

T/O Seller in preceding FY

Total Value of Transaction in FY

Applicability of Section

Rate of Tax


< 10 Crores

< 10 Crores

Neither of them is applicable (since 1st condition of eligibility is not fulfilled)


> 10 Crores

< 10 Crores

< 50 Lakhs

Neither of them is applicable (since 2nd condition is not fulfilled)

< 10 Crores

> 10 Crores

< 50 Lakhs

Neither of them is applicable (since 2nd condition is not fulfilled)


< 10 Crores

> 10 Crores

60 Lakhs

206C (1H) (since turnover of buyer is less than 10 crores and he is not liable to deduct TDS)

0.1% of (60-50)

> 10 Crores

< 10 Crores

80 Lakhs

194Q (since the 1st and 2nd condition for eligibility to Section 194Q has been fulfilled)

0.1% of (80-50)


> 10 Crores

> 10 Crores

90 Lakhs

194 Q (since the 1st and 2nd condition for eligibility to both Section 194Q and 206C(1H) has been fulfilled, 194Q overrides 206C (1H))

0.1 % OF (90-50)


When Other TDS/ TCS Sections are also applicable:

Applicable Sections

Prevailing Section

TCS 206C(1H) [Goods] and TCS 206C(1F) [Motor Vehicles]

TCS 206C(1F)

TCS 206C(1H) [Goods] and TCS 206C(1F) [Motor Vehicles] and TDS 194Q

TCS 206C(1F)

TDS 194Q and TCS 206C(1H)

TDS 194Q

TDS 194Q and TDS 194O

TDS 194O


Tentative Action Plan

  1. Check whether you are "BIG" person - means your Turnover in previous FY was > 10 crore
  2. If no, you don’t have to worry for these sections (others may deduct your TDS/ collect TCS)
  3. Make a list of your suppliers with whom yearly purchases exceeds 50 lacs - You will have to deduct their TDS @ 0.1% - Tell them to stop adding TCS in the invoices as 206C(1H) not apply
  4. Make a list of your buyers and ask them if they will start deducting your TDS @ 0.1% - If yes, don’t collect TCS from them. If no, then check if the yearly sales to them exceeds 50 lacs - you will have to collect TCS @0.1%

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